Excitement and gratitude, are the two words that best describe our feelings after TECNIVIAL attended Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024, the leading global event on road, road safety and mobility, where we had the opportunity to share our latest solutions in innovation:
- LASETEC: Sistema de Balizamiento Láser que ayuda a la conducción en condiciones de visibilidad reducida (niebla extrema, arena, nieve, partículas en suspensión…).
- NANOTEC: señales de última generación, más sostenibles, ligeras, resistentes, duraderas y con bajo mantenimiento y coste de instalación y transporte.
Excitement to see that after years of hard work, LASERTEC is seen as adisruptive, innovative and already tested system. The Sustainability in road signage becomes more real with the installation of NANOTEC signs.
Thanks to all the companies and customers of our sector who have visited us and have recognized these two innovation projects as a clear progress in Road Safety and Sustainability Together we will lead a number of international projects, where we would contribute to a smarter, safer, and a more sustainable mobility..
For any additional information or questions please, do not hesitate to contact us.
We will keep on our path, “Smart Thinking for Smart Mobility“.
TECNIVIAL, within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has received support from ICEX and co-financing from the European ERDF fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and increase its competitiveness in foreign markets.